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Monthly Archives: March 2006

And at the top there floats;

The Abstraction:
Which corresponds to the sun, to money, to all the Gods and the higher spirits, to random probability, to possession.
Which is the floodes; the dirty rainbow waters
Which for the demons may be equated with demonic ruler.
And has been called The System.

And below we find the Rulers:
Which corresponds to the moon and the stars. Which is the skyscrapers. The lesser Gods, and here lies the banke and here lies the council and here lies the demon hordes and worse of all here lies the church.
And the rulers may be equated with the office and with the rats

And below them …
The Management:
Which is divided into higher, lower and several level of middle. And the management consume and so are blessed.
And for the management we have the flying rats and the mutant fisshies.
They may be equated with the computer

And belowe them lie
The Workers: and they are not blessed. But are nevertheless necessary.
And they include the rat herders, and the office workers.
And their symbol is the coffee machine.

And at the bottom there are the scum whose purpose is found in keeping the wages down of the workers.
They include the Apologisers and the Ratfuckers.
They are of little consequence and must be equated with the filing cabinet.

And at this point I must warn all parents to keepe their children away from the pitiable low lives for an acquaintance with such may ruin their lives for ever. Do not touch and certainly – do not smell.

These are the lowest of the low:
These are the poets and the artistes, the revolutionists, communists, freethinkers and sexual perverts.
They are not equated with anything.

It is rumored that the ratfucker boy was born with a tail. A shocking rumor? Well not really – it is not so uncommon for boys to be born with tails and yes it probably was true. It is also rumored that the boy was born with a hairy body and again that was probably true. Finally it was thought that the boy was born extremely underweight and yellow looking. This could be true – but there is a large case to suggest that the ratfuckers assumed shape was based more upon his role than the physical reality.

The ratfucker should have been slender, and young, he should have had a thin rate face head with a head of hair that grew in all the wrong directions – and perhaps even misplaced rat teeth. The ratfucker was certainly not slender, he was over six foot tall and bulky so that his body seemed to roll out of his clothes. His clothes were not rags but rather some black school trousers, an oversized purple shirt and a coffee stained jumper. Perhaps in that way the stereotype worked. He dressed to look young as his fellows suggested he should be. He was however middle aged – not young and apart from the clothes he wore and his physical stature he very much looked his age. The ratfucker was a photocopying assistant and photocopying assistants had to be young looking – because their role was not one for the aging. But then how could a photocopier ever get promoted? It was not as if the other workers surrounding him thought about these matters too much. It was assumed perhaps that the ratfucker was in some way mentally retarded. Some form of child like innocence must explain his weak, submissive demeanor. The boyman suffered both ways – he was not given the dignity and respect of age – whilst he was losing the looks he had had as a youth. Not that he had ever noticed that he might have been good looking. This isn’t to suggest that the ratfucker was not in any kind of way – sexual. Sexuality has nothing to do with looks. The ratfucker lost his virginity at the age of nine. The ratfucker was fucking without romance or love. He was animal love and for some of the staff of his office that was a source of disgust and delight.

Could the ratfucker have ever made anything more of himself? Photocopying boys who have intercourse with rats (or were rumored to) were a long way from the top of the hierarchy or multiple hierarchies of the city. Although this isn’t the place for a thorough explanation of the cities hierarchy it would be sufficient to say that the ratfucker’s was placed somewhere underneath the filing cabinet, and a very long way beneath the coffee machine. For if the coffee machine broke down the office would ground to a stop – whilst if the ratfucker die nobody would notice very much. The security guards would have to masturbate themselves at night, and bored secretaries would have nobody to send facsimiles of their bottoms to but that would be the only change. Very soon another ratfucker boy would emerge and nobody would have noticed the change. Perhaps a portable human chair would be promoted?

Why then was the ratfucker boy so famous? Photocopier boys do not always become urban legends – they do not all get given names such as the ratfuker boy was given. They do not usually get stories written about them. There were plenty of other characters existing underneath the eyes of the city. There were sewer people, rat shepherds and shit sculptors. There were the numerous tramps employed as portable office furniture (but they at least would have be clean). There were the many members of the underclass living in semi-submerged tower blocks and river holes that would be frozen in the winter.

As some of you may know – my protégés were on Pandemonium Carnival last Saturday.

Apart from some slightly inaccurate rumours about myself and plans for world domination – I have no current plans for dominating any world – they seemed to do a good job.

Some of their interpretations of my songs were played.

I would like to thank the Carnival gang at Wired for letting these young scallywags turn up and cause chaos. Apologies to everybody who had their wine borrowed or who had their radio stations invaded.

Love and poppies,

The Silver Wizard

“Bodyless creature, all brain and brain case,

All sensors and sense, in flight, but wingless
Owl shaped and featherless”

thought Sean.